Friday, August 19, 2011

Critiquing my own work: San Antonio Falls Hike

     I am posting up some of my photos to critique them.  I know I have a long road on improving my work and it begins with the willingness to be self-critical--not for self pity's sake but as a means of improving myself.  Feel free to give constructive comments.

I wish the resolution where a little sharper.  The colors are washed out by the haze.   

Perhaps a black and white version would be better here?

I like the composition here but again the colors are drab.  It probably could a bit more flash on the rocks.

A sharper image would make it better.  Some more color saturation too?

1 comment:

  1. Strong compositions. I think the lighting conditions were just bad. I know National Geographic photographers, surf photographers, and landscape people are always waiting on sunrise or sunset to cast great light. 2 and 3 are my faves. I know Photogshop HDR Toning or a program like Photomatix can dramatize your outdoor photography. HDR will take 3 shots from a burst mode or a continuous shot and mix them together. Lots of photographers get their edge in post-production.
