Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Oldie but Goodie

     We are about to sell my hubbie's first car. The children's carseats can barely fit in the car. With each of the little ones getting larger and longer, we are finding that the car can no longer contain our family of 5. We've had it for the entire duration of our marriage. That car took us on dates, sped us onto our honeymoon, and delivered our newborns home. It took us to work and church and vacations. And this past week, I spent enough hours driving it to make sure it would never forget me and my family. At a pit stop, I decided to take some shots of the children in the car. Of course it is not human and I should guard against over-sentimentalizing it. But I am human and will miss it and give thanks to God for it.



  1. Replies
    1. You can pinch their cheeks soon enough, lol. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love and hugs!
